Crime Prevention Week 2014 - Together we can make a difference in Community Safety

The week of November 2nd - 8th 2014 is Crime Prevention Week, and the theme is `Together we can make a difference in Community Safety`.

On Monday Nov. 3rd, at 10 a. m. in the front lobby at 190 Brady St., Chief Paul Pedersen of the Greater Sudbury Police Service will launch the week with a message on Crime Prevention and the importance of partnerships in community safety. Also on hand will be participants of the International Student Ride-Along Program.

The week will feature meetings, displays and presentations – the schedule is available on the police website at, under `Events calendar`. Anyone can follow us on Twitter and Facebook: or .

Monday Nov. 3 - Crime Prevention Week message from Chief Pedersen

- International Student Ride-Along participants

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- Display at Place Bonaventure Mall in Chelmsford

- Ward 1 CAN meeting

Tuesday Nov. 4 - Crime Stoppers` presentation at CH&VS

- Community Drop-in at GSPS Shaughnessy storefront

Wednesday Nov. 5 - Car-Seat Clinic at LEL in Azilda

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- Seniors` Issues Display in Lively

Thursday Nov. 6 - Crime Stoppers` presentation at Marymount College

- Annual Awards hosted by GSPS Board

Friday Nov. 7 - Launch of Operation Red Nose 2014 at NORCAT

- Safety Tips for Campers Spot Checks in Walden

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Categories: Greater Subury, Police and Court NewsNumber of views: 1069


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