Greater Sudbury City Council Repeals Store Hours By-laws

City Council has voted to repeal the store hours by-laws based on a favourable response by the public in the October 27, 2014 election on the referendum questions. Voters were asked to vote on three questions, which were to allow stores to open Boxing Day, Civic holiday and to allow store owners to choose their own business hours. Although fewer than 50% of voters voted on the three questions, making the referendum non-binding, the majority of citizens who did vote on the questions voted “yes” to each of them.

Effective today, By-Law 2007-143, which requires certain stores to be closed on Boxing Day, and the August Civic Holiday, and also By-Law 2004-204 which mandates at what time stores must close in the evening, have been repealed. This grants retail establishments the right to choose their hours of operation, including their hours on the August Civic holiday and Boxing Day.

“The will of the community was expressed in the October 27 referendum. There was an overwhelmingly positive response to all three questions to repeal the store hours, and to have stores open on Civic Holiday and Boxing Day,” said Mayor Brian Bigger. “I’m pleased that Council was able to come to a decision regarding the store hours, and now we can put the issue to rest.”

Since the by-laws have been repealed, the decision made by Council is effective immediately.

For more information regarding the store hours by-law or to see the results of the referendum please visit and search for “referendum.”

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Categories: Greater Subury, City Hall, News from City HallNumber of views: 7873


23 comments on article "Greater Sudbury City Council Repeals Store Hours By-laws"

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12/9/2014 9:13 PM

Thats f$%^&*n bulls$*t... Ok well if we have to work then why not make goverment employes work too.. Them and all the senior, they were the one that voted yes cause they cant wait 1 more day and they knew that even if the law would go threw that they would still be off!!! ***edited for explicits***

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April Fillmore

12/9/2014 10:09 PM

It's about time! The streets rolling up at 6pm everyday is ridiculous! Many people are just getting off of work then and have no time left to pick up things. They don't even have a 24hr/7 day/week drug store! Even their Tim Hortons closes..... really?

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12/9/2014 10:17 PM

i think its a good thing why not police officers fire fighters E.R doctors / nurses /paramedic , they all work so why not

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12/9/2014 10:30 PM

Stupid decision, stores will now compete to be open later. Most stores cannot afford this as there is little business coming through during the late hours. The ones who will be working these hours will be primarily teens. During the holidays the point is to spend time as a family. Now that family will be separated as many members will have to be working. For those who say "Book time off," everyone wants time off, and someone has to work. During the busy holiday rush, most of the workers stuck will be teens, unable to enjoy the holidays with their families.

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12/9/2014 11:16 PM

About f***ing time!

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12/9/2014 11:20 PM

This is bull S**t! Retail workers have family and lives too!! traditionally I spend boxing day with my grandmother but now I have to cater to all of your wants and needs, instead of spending the holidays with my family!?!? You people couldn't have waited one f***king day to shop? give us retail workers a little time with our family, a sanity check instead of fulfilling your greed, like we do every f**king day of our miserable lives? Just bull s**t!

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12/10/2014 5:16 AM

I cannot believe how much this city complains about every single thing. The seniors want stores to be opened but they take the bus. That's another thing they can complain about. Those working retail are exhausted by Christmas Eve. Christmas Day over half of these men and women prepare Christmas dinner. Now they have to drag themselves out of bed out of the one holiday that was a day of rest of leave me alone type of day. I know because I worked retail and I worked days on end before Christmas made Christmas happen at home and on Boxing Day it was jump up and get it yourself day. So this being said. I hope those that have plans to go away for Christmas GO! Go and enjoy that time with your family. You cannot be fired because you are not available for boxing day complainers and whiners. Now since this is been passed so quickly get the buses rolling with regular day runs. No holiday crap since every holiday has been pretty much been turned into crap. Lets go American folks and run the businesses 365 days of the year. No Thanksgiving (we won't have crap to be thankful for) No Easter because thanks to deregulation of religion unless you are Muslim (you know those people that are suppose to be harmless yet have terrorist groups everywhere) God forbid we celebrate OUR Christian rights!!!! Just keep them open 24/7 and keep those that bitch the most about prices and yet have money to shop! I believe we call this an Oxy Moron type situation.

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12/10/2014 6:28 AM

It's about time Sudbury got with the times every where else is open. If you don't like it get a non retail job where there not open on these days

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Carlos gav

12/10/2014 6:39 AM

Yes I am happy that's those bylaw were put to rest that's why I give my vote to Mr.Bigger and my new council

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Chloe Davis

12/10/2014 8:18 AM

This is stupid the first thing the major does is lie to the city now we know how this term will go. The way he wants and what he wants goes, who cares about the citizens and what they want.

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12/10/2014 8:36 AM

So the rules of the vote do not really matter to our new council??? Less than 50% of the voting people voted and as such the vote should not count. I did vote and voted NO. Yes a large number of those who voted, voted Yes, but it is still less than the majority of our Sudbury population. Why do the minority get to call the shots.

Only those who have the day off work possibly benefit from stores being open on Boxing Day

So I understand how our new Council is going to work going forward. Rules and regulations do not matter

I sympathize with the retail workers and their familes. Now have to work two more holidays per year (for regular pay) as well as later hours.

Hope all those who voted Yes will realize when our prices go up it is to cover all the store hours when stores are open and no one is there making purchases. And if requests for buses to run regular ours, the bus drivers will not be working for regular pay. How does that affect our taxes

Shopping is not an essential service.

Our Grandparents and Parents fought

long and hard for these extra days off for Family time and the next generation just washes it away for convenience. Shame on you.

Stores are regularly open until 9 each weekday, Saturdays and Sundays. You can't get your shopping done in these hours. Get organized!

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Janet Stewart

12/10/2014 9:05 AM

And how is this a good thing? Please explain that to me. Still can't figure out how this will help Sudburians. Why do we need to have stores open more than what they are now? Does anyone on counsel not have a family? Do they want to work longer hours and weekends? Maybe the next time we should pass a resolution that all city employees have to work same hours as the stores do. That goes from the mayor on down.

Lets see if they will be so gung hoto run for office then.

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Samantha Ranger

12/10/2014 9:14 AM

What about 24 hour grocery stores!! Sudbury needs at least 1

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12/10/2014 9:24 AM

i am so said to see this happen. I feel for those who work in retail. I have worked as a manager in a retail store for many yrs. I would work 10-14 days straight till Christmas Eve. You are mentally and physically burnt out to even enjoy Christmas and now the stores will be open Boxing Day. When do we get a rest. The shoppers theses days come in rip the store and tear it apart to get good deals. They treat retail employees like garbage. Someone had a coment about getting a none retail job. Well if there was something out there better we would. Many of us have the education but there are no jobs in our field.

I would like to remind you all who voted yes to please take it easy on these poor retail works on Boxing Day. The sales will be there all week.

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12/10/2014 9:33 AM

Less than 50% of voters expressed their opinion on this matter. The ones who did vote mostly voted to lose the bylaw. I bet that the majority of people on here complaining did not go vote. People can have their opinions but if you don't get out there and vote it means little to nothing and you have no right to complain and bash other people's views and opinions. Some people who work retail want those extra hours. Not to mention the bonus money they get for working those days. I work in a job that is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Sometimes I miss family things but generally my family works around my schedule to include me. I appreciate that now when I finish work at 12 am I can stop somewhere and pick up anything I might need or have forgotten during the day.

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Suzanne Aubin

12/10/2014 11:03 AM

Finally! I hope that there will be at least one 24 hr grocery store. I don't know how many times I have had to travel to North Bay just to get my groceries done due to the long hours I have out here.

Shame on those that judge others' time.

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Pegi Dahm

12/10/2014 11:18 AM

wonderful....I'm all for "free choice"

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12/10/2014 11:55 AM

Lmfao!! I love how a lot of people are really upset about this. If you don't like working more hours then you don't deserve your job. Every other city has had their stores open on holidays and later hours and you don't hear them complain. Sudbury was the only city i knew of that had this silly by law.

I am very happy with the new by law.

More job opportunities and it helps for those people who work all day long and need to shop at night.

Thank you sudbury! Finally slowly moving in the right direction

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12/10/2014 1:34 PM

Welcome to Sudbury were family values used to count. If anyone deserves a break during the holidays it is the retail employees who have busted there butts to make sure you got everything on your Christmas wish list. The boxing day deals are the same from the 26th to the 31st. Why don't the retail employees get an extra day off to be with their family and friends?

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12/10/2014 1:52 PM

Some of these comments are amazingly ignorant.

1) In the case of longer store hours, this does not create more job opportunities. Companies have to pay wages and operational costs to keep a business open. This will mean fewer employees working at one time because now the employees will have to be spread thin to cover longer hours which will result in less assistance for customers, longer lineups and a ton of frustration for everyone. Businesses have a bottom line to mind. They need to profit to be running.

2) Don't work retail then? Okay, sure. We could all do that. But then who will run the stores that people so desperately need to shop at these 2 extra days per year? Someone's gotta be there to work!

3) 99% of the people working these jobs don't give a rat's ass to not have hours on Boxing Day because first of all, it's holiday season and it's nice to have family come before work for just one time out of the year and secondly, everyone gets paid regardless! It's a stat holiday. Who doesn't love to get paid (albeit less) to see their family for a day?

4) People have family that live in different cities. Enough said.

5) It's Boxing WEEK now, there is no advantage to shopping on the 26th. The deals will still be there the next day. Sure, stores may run out of stock, but that would happen on the 27th or 30th, or if Boxing Day was on June 16th, the outcome is the same.

6) Sudbury's lack of compassion for others is astounding. It doesn't matter if other cities are open on the 26th. It absolutely makes sense in big cities like Toronto, they have the population and demand to be open. We had the option to give our over-worked retail people an extra day of relaxation with their family and friends and now it's been decided (and not by their volition) to take that away and Sudbury's response to that loss is basically a big "deal with it." Thanks. If everyone shared that same lack of empathy for all jobs and their employees we'd live in such a beautiful world.

Happy shopping.

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12/11/2014 5:38 AM

wow the one horse town days are coming to an end, for all who don't agree get the hell out of retail! Our city is better off, the money spent so many years in other cities on just Boxing Day alone would have stay in our own community it is progress a step in the right direction business should be allowed to operate freely not dictated by a bunch of old has beens who never where!

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12/11/2014 6:53 PM

Sudbury....a caring community. F**k that!!! , Dictatorship wins again;)

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Stop complaining

12/12/2014 2:31 PM

If you don't like the new by law, then don't shop on those extra hours. All these comments about how it's going to interfere with family time? How is a store being open 24 hours have to do with that? How about the people who would love the extra hours so they can spend time with their children while they are awake , or the people who need and want the 4 Xtra shifts. What about the shift workers who need the extra time for shopping?

Why doesn't everyone stop complaining and enjoy life for a change.

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