R.I.D.E results for Friday January 23 2015

The R.I.D.E. Program is aimed at reducing property damage, injuries and death caused by impaired driving. R.I.D.E. checks are intended to target high-incident / high-complaint areas.
The Greater Sudbury Police Service RIDE program attended the following locations: Barrydowne at Maley, Howey at Downing, Auger at Fielding, Cedar at Elgin and conducted RIDE checks resulting in the charges listed below.
   23 January 2015
Driver License Suspensions   0
Highway Traffic Act Offences
(i.e. Seatbelt Infractions)
 6 HTA offences
Including 1 for Drive
while under suspension
Criminal Code Offences
(Over .80, Refuse to Provide Breath Sample)
 ASD Demands  0
 Standard Field Sobriety Tests  0
 Total Drivers Checked  252

The Greater Sudbury Police Service and Action Sudbury are proud to support OPERATION LOOKOUT. OPERATION LOOKOUT is a Canada-wide, year-round public awareness program that encourages the public and / or businesses to CALL 9-1-1 if they suspect an impaired driver.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Police at 674-7511 or Crime Stoppers at 222-TIPS, online at www.sudburycrimestoppers.com or by texting TIPSUD and the information to CRIMES (274637).
This Project has been made possible by a grant from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.

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