Health and Wellness

Ontario announces Investment in Permanent PET Scanner in Sudbury

Ontario announces Investment in Permanent PET Scanner in Sudbury

Ontario will cover operating costs for a permanent PET scanner at Health Sciences North in Sudbury so that patients in northeastern Ontario can access care closer to home.
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Health Science North urges residents to consider alternatives for non-urgent care

Health Science North urges residents to consider alternatives for non-urgent care

Health Sciences North (HSN) is experiencing a surge of patients requiring admission to hospital. HSN is working closely with local and regional health care providers to make hospital beds available for patients.
Article rating: 2.5
Drinking water advisory issued for the Killarney Channel area

Drinking water advisory issued for the Killarney Channel area

The capsizing of a barge this morning in the Killarney Channel of Lake Huron near the Town of Killarney caused a leak of oil into the waterway.

As a precaution, the Sudbury & District Health Unit is advising that those who take their drinking water directly from the Killarney Channel, or from wells supplied by the channel, not use that water for drinking or cooking until further notice

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Health Unit confirms first flu case in Greater Sudbury

Health Unit confirms first flu case in Greater Sudbury

Unité Santé confirme premier cas de grippe dans le Grand Sudbury

Laboratory testing has confirmed the first case of influenza A infection in the Greater Sudbury area. To date in Ontario, a total of 119 cases have been confirmed (97 influenza type A and 22 influenza type B).
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AMRIC CEO resigns

AMRIC CEO resigns

AMRIC CEO and Science Directory, Dr. Francisco Diaz-Mitoma announced his resignation today.
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